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Interview with personal stylist

When creating product, web page, your own vita- most important thing is to grab attention of others. How to sell our product or ourselves? What influenced on others in order to be interested in something? Is our outfit influence on judgement by society? My interlocutor, Carla by profession is taking care about people’s look.

Nikola: Hi Carla, today I would like to talk with you about your profession and philosophy of your work. Please could you make a small introduction of yourself?
Carla: Hi Nikola! I am a personal advisor and my profession is very wide. I help my clients to find own style and personality. It sounds very serious and it is very important profession, later on I will explain why is that.

N: Could you tell us why our appearance is so important in every day life?
C: Hmm.. I don’t know where exactly should I start. Our appearance is not only what do we wear, but how do we look like in general. Our look is influenced not only by clothes, but also self-confidence; humour and condition of our body. Most of my clients hire me because they believe that they can buy new style and good appearance by buying clothes. Unfortunately it is not true. Problem of how people interpret us is somewhere else. Shortly- is not really matter what do we wear, but how do we feel about it. 

N: That means that we can wear whatever we want?
C: Basically yes. There are some general rules, for some situations or occasions. Your clothes should suit you, your role in society, professional life and what is more important it should make you feel comfortable in your own skin. Did you ever wonder what clothes and communication have in common? Clothes are like communication. More important than what you exactly say, is your expression and the way how you communicate this message. At my work I am dealing with the same situation. I help my clients to discover confidence. I teach them how they should walk and present themselves and on the end they can choose new clothes. 

N: Are you saying that we can wear the best clothes but we can still look ordinary?
C: Yes, it can be even worse. I met so many clients wearing best brands, but they felt bad with themselves and the impression was lost. People can buy clothes, but not a style- this is another problem. 

N: Why did you decide to open your own practice? 
C: I am connected with fashion since almost 20 years. My story is very long and complicated. I gather my experience in so many places and field of studies. Finally I decide to become a personal advisor, because I have seen that people need this kind of help. My clients treats me like a friend, shop assistant and even psychologist. I see something more in my job. I am helping people to become stronger and more independent. I help them to find they real face, charakter.

N: How does it happen? How did you seen this nich in the market space?
C: Oh! It is probably hard to believe but when I was working for fashion house in New York I travelled by subway every day. I was listening music and observe people. What I have seen at this time was, that people were very different. Despite of that, they had something in common- you could see they was happy with themselves or unhappy and shy. Then I started to analyse what cause this difference?

N: What was it?
C: It was their clothes, smile, attitude, behaviour, self confidence- sometimes you could nearly see that they feel not comfortable with themselves.

N: OK, so you found your present target group. You understood their problems and issues, what was the next step?
C: It took me some time to realise that I gathered enough experience to start by my own business. I devote 2 years to create strategy plan for my company, to plan budget, to san and examine my target group. I knew that PR and marketing is a real key to success, so I took few courses in this field- not because I wanted to do everything by myself, but to be prepare how to manage my own business. I had my own assets to open my business. From very beginning I hire PR, marketing and sales specialists. As a team we were working so hard to achieve our success. 

N: Could you tell me, why did you attend so many courses in different field, while you were able to hire specialists and just split/give away work between your employees?
C: Oh, this is my private philosophy of being entrepreneur. I believe that smart businessman or businesswoman has to know how his or her company does work. It means that if you are willing to open your own gas station you have to start as a regular worker and tank gas to your clients cars.

N: Why is that?
C: Without basic knowledge in the field how does your company work you will be not able to manage people in right direction. I have learned this from the past, when I was working as a waitress during my collage years. I hated my boss at this time- he was all the time unpleasant and he couldn’t understand our position. My boss used to say that he would do our task faster and better than we did. He didn’t know any details about our job duties, because he’s career started from manager position- his father created this restaurant. How I said I didn’t like him then, now I am very grateful. He showed me how do not manage people and company. This is the reason, why we (entrepreneur people and bosses) should know company and every detail of producing chain- to manage people in right direction.

N: Thank you for your advices and inspiring interview. I wish you all the best with your company.
C: Thank you so much. I hope that you- young generation- will bring new solution and energy to market space. 


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