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This interview was carried out with the owner of distribution company - Karol Zeżuła.

What was your mission at the outset?
,,Well, I thought at the beginning that after a year I will be a millionaire but life quickly brought me to the ground. My mission now besides high profits is help that I can offer to local farmers thanks to which they can develop their farms.’’

When did you "charter" the business? 
,,My family is leading this business for 30 years and I was preparing myself to take it over since I was a little kid. For a few years I was taking care of this company by myself and finally since July 
last year I am the rightful owner’’.

 Do you have any employees or you manage to run your business on your own?
,,I have a few employees but only seasonally. My business is working only for half a year in summer-autumn season.’’

  How do you advertise your business?
,,I don’t have to advertise my business. I work locally and I am well-known in my area even because I am president at the football club ,,Agricola’’ in Łoniów. ‘’

 To what do you attribute your success?
,,For me success means that I feel satisfaction from what I am doing and the fact  that besides lots of difficulties I run a company. If I have to say why do I succeed, I attribute my success to positive relationships with local people and also hard work all day long.  I am trustworthy and honest person, I assume that helped me a lot. That is on the first place .’’

 Do you use the services of a professional accountant or attorney?
,,Naturally I use the services of a professional help because I couldn’t be taking care of it as good as them. Besides, Polish law is a little complicated. As I work with the food there are lots of controls, that is mostly why I need help from attorney. ‘’

 What’s your company’s goals?
,,I can honestly say that my main goal is to achieve higher and higher profits to ensure the best life for my relatives. What is more, my earnings allow me to develop my passion, that leads to bigger satisfaction. ‘’

 Do you work locally or nationally?
,,I work locally as my area is well known from agriculture and I heard that we have the best apples. ‘’

 What is unique about your business?
,,As I work locally, unique are connections with my clients. They trust me because we know each other for a long time and most of them remember me when I was in diapers.’’

 What are your responsibilities as the business owner?
,,I take care about everything because I like to have things under control. Besides my company employ not as much people as I wish, only because of high costs maintaining the company. To my main responsibilities belongs searching potential clients and distribution companies that I can possibly sign contracts with.’’

 Does your company help the community where it is located?
,,I help my clients (local farmers) to sell their products. They can’t do it personally because my company have access to bigger sales markets, that farmers can’t ensure by themselves. ‘’

Have you ever turned down a client?
,,Actually, yes. My company have certain processing capacities and daily limits of witch I have to comply. My regular clients are my priority and new clients are just nice addition. My company have given quality requirements that customer’s goods didn’t meet and that’s why I had to turned him down.’’

 If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

,,Firstly, don’t be afraid to make your first step and  build ,,contact net’’ with people who work in that kind of business. Those people have experience and it is better to learn on their mistakes rather than make your own. ‘’


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