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This interview was carried out with the owner of Aesthetic Cosmetology Centre in Cracow - Anna Stasz.

Interviewer: Good morning, let me ask you a couple of questions about your business and career path. Are you ready?

Entrepreneur: Certainly, any time. I will do my best to answer your questions satisfactorily.

Interviewer: Why did you decide to start your own business and when did it happen?

Entrepreneur: For many years I was working in a Beauty Parlour, and finally it was the time to try to begin something single-handedly. I felt prepared and confident enough to establish my own company. I’d just turned 40, I thought long and hard and stated that my commitment and involvement in this profession was such strong and deep, that it was the high time to do it. The saloon, which I started working in was fairly small and made up of several workers, but the company was thriving very quickly and they started to hire more and more people. Unfortunately, my colleagues and I frequently were treated in tangible way and felt underestimated. I started to believe that my expectations differed from theirs.

Interviewer: 2. Was it your first concept for the business or did you have many attempts and other ideas before you found the only one?

Entrepreneur: I have been doing Cosmetology since 1989. I have always had so many ideas and I am certain that during my retirement I will also do some type of manual job, however as of today I feel very confidently and steadily in the field of cosmetology. It is what satisfies me and brings me profits. I reckon that I wouldn’t find myself in any other profession now. Many years ago I had my own company in my hometown, nevertheless the one I run now is much bigger and serious.

Interviewer: Since your business has been developing very quickly and effectively, did not you think about opening other branches?

Entrepreneur: Permanent Makeup, which I deal with, is a very specific realm of beauty. I thought about extending my business a little bit and for some time I cut my teeth on training and courses in this field, however I couldn’t reconcile it with work with my clients and ultimately I chose them. My current job requires the whole focus and involvement and I know that opening other affiliates would be entailed dealing with extensive management, which I am not very good at.

Interviewer: It is noticeable that you are very self-reliant and independent kind of person. In that case, did not you think of training and employing new people so that they could make your living?

Entrepreneur: I do not want it to sound arrogantly or cockily, however I know, that women I deal with, want to be served directly by me. Naturally, I would like to have some help and physical support at work, but I came to conclusion that for now I give my all and it is sufficient both for me and my clients. I asked them many times what If I hired person who would replace me in my duties, however I always received a negative response.

Interviewer: Are you more oriented towards gaining new customers or rather retention?

Entrepreneur: My work is based on a process, in which customers return after some time and renew the treatments. It is always satisfying for me when somebody, who went somewhere else (usually attracted by a lower price) is discontented with their results ultimately come back to me. I do not find myself very entrepreneurial person, who promotes the company in every possible way, and I often contemplate why I have so many clients, but perhaps it is the answer. I hope that my work and what I do defends and promotes in itself.

Interviewer: Do you think that you always strive for perfection?

Entrepreneur: My work certainly demands perfection through and through. It is the essential factor during every treatment, as without it, it is done inappropriately. Besides, I always try to put my heart and soul into it so that my clients always could feel safely and comfortably.

Interviewer: How many hours do you work per week and how much time is left for the relax and pleasures?

Entrepreneur: I think it is my serious problem (laugh). I am usually at work from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m., however from some time I have been trying to take one day off per week. Also, weekends are intended for my children and leisure.

Interviewer: What do you find the most challenging and difficult through your whole career and what was your biggest failure?

Entrepreneur: The most challenging and demanding thing for me were beginnings with the women after chemotherapy. I do not exclusively work with women, who only want to improve their appearance . I am constantly coping with very hard instances when sanity of these women is deteriorated and devastated. I took the challenge to handle a medical pigmentation, yet I do not complain. I think it makes my job more profound, satisfying and needed. Even though it is sometimes very difficult to rebuild their self confidence, ultimately I always feel proud of both, themselves and myself. When it comes to failures, It was the first time when I had trained someone. This woman accused me of ineffective course and had irrational grievances. However, it cleared up after some time and I was apologised by her and her boss.

Interviewer: Retrospectively, what things would you change, if you could, in terms of management and running a business?

Entrepreneur: I think I am very contented with everything I have now. All my decisions and measures have brought me to that place. Thanks to my abilities I managed to visit many places around the world and also show them to my family. Naturally, there is always something that could be reinforced, but I always attempted to make such decisions I would not have to regret.

Interviewer: What do you think has been your greatest success so far?

Entrepreneur: I moved from a small town to a big city Cracow and I managed to start up my own beautiful clinic, which I find the most successful. Also, I was chosen several times as a laureate of the Permanent Makeup Championships and acquired a title of the Master Instructor. I was also very satisfied to be one of the judges during such Championships. Moreover, I find it to be a great success that my firstborn child followed in my footsteps.

Interviewer: Who or what is your greatest motivation and inspiration and what drives you to go the extra mile?

Entrepreneur: To be honest, I try to be my own motivation. Also, my home and children remind me every day that I have to work (laugh). But as a parent, I want to provide them with everything what is the best and guarantee them the best future. I am also motivated by the fact I help many people with problems. I help them to feel more beautiful, self confident and fulfilled. All these words of appreciation and their gratification fuel me to work harder.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to people who start their profession in the same field? Do you think there is any golden rule for that? How much do you owe to luck and how much to your hard work?

Entrepreneur: In my opinion it differed significantly when I was setting up a business. Nowadays, some young people appear to be very impatient, greedy and with a lack of humility. They want to pursue this career, gain titles and money without hard work and commitment. They key to success is patience, reliability and doing things step by step. I must admit, I owe a lot to my previous employer. Thanks to her I had the opportunity to attend many trainings and deepen my education and skills. She gave me a chance and money to develop my abilities and I am utterly grateful for that.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for your openness and sincerity. Good luck in your further efforts!

Entrepreneur: Thank you too.

Stasz Dominika


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