Interview with owner of two kintergardens, an enterpreneur Alicja Wojas
What kind of Corporation is your business?
My corporation incudes two local kintergardens, one on Reja street and the other one on Radzikowskieg in Kraków. My kintergardens are both public.
What made you choose your current location?
Mainly my place of living, family, friends and other obligations.
What is unique about your business?
From my point of view the unique thing is that my first corporation went really well. At the very beginning I wasn't expected that in one year I would be able to open the new kintergarten. But generally speaking unique is that we cooperate with EU so we have many additional projects that we have to manage as a team.
What are your responsibilities as the business owner?
I have to take care about administrative stuff. What means everything!(laugh) But thanks God I have got my mum. She works as a main director and she leads team of teachers. She also organizes meetings with parents etc.
What made you choose this type of business?
Actually the thing is that I always wanted to work for my own. Have my own company, make decisions. I've chosen kintergarden mainly because I like spending time with kids, same as my mom. She encouraged me to run this business. But I have many plans for future companies and it does not have anyting in common with this industry.
If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Be creative, trust people that you work with but at the same time control everything.
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