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Carwash Puławy - Interview with Jacek Irauth

Jacek Irauth is an owner of the first carwash in Puławy, created in 2000. He has made a great success and is still running the most famous and best rated car business in Puławy and on the outskirts of the town. Although his role keeps him busy enough, he agreed to answer couple of my questions about his road to success.


1. Why did you start your business?
I have been importing cars from the Netherlands to sell them in Poland, on the stock market. However, there was no single carwash in Puławy so I used to go to Lublin to do it there. As I had to wash cars before I could have selled them and the amount of imported cars was really big I came up with an idea to create a carwash in Puławy to make selling much easier and faster.

2. How much money did you have to start?
I started with about 20 000 PLN and I leased first machines.

3. What does your job offer? 
We offer car washing services, such as upholstery, chassis and carpets washing.

4. Did anyone help you setting up your business?
I did everything myself.

5. How did you find your customers?
Mostly by advertising. Back in the day I used to advertise my business by local television or newspapers. Now it is easier as I simply use Facebook and Google to find new customers.

6. What are your target customers?
 People who own a car and having reached maturity.

7. Did you have any problems during your way to success?
Yes, but not many. For instance, I had to change the location three times when I have finally found the perfect place, big enough to build a second hall and be able to wash twice as many cars as we could have washed before. When it comes to competitors, back then my carwash was the first and only. Nowadays, competition is growing, but there is no threat as there are way more cars than people in Puławy. 

8. What sacrifices did you make?
I have sacrificed a lot of time and I still do. I have to be there physically to keep everything working properly.

9. What about your lifestyle? Do you live stressed because of the lack of free time?
Actually, it is the oposite. I feel happy and fulfilled when I work. If I could, I would work all day and all night. I am definitely a workaholic. :)

10.  Have you had any experience before you started your business?
I have seen couple of carwashes in Lublin and I have had some automotive experience that I had to know about when I was importing cars from abroad.

11. Do you deal with many technologies?
Technology has changed. I have created a carwash that is both - manual and automatic so I deal with couple of new car washing machines.

12. What do you think your next step is going to be?
I have recently changed old mashines for new ones so that was a big step forward. When it comes to the further future, I am planning to create the second branch, in a different city. 

13. Do you regret anything?
There was a period of time when I dealt less with my business because I was busy importing cars. That is why I could not be on the spot and take care of everything.

14. How do you deal with angry customers?
It happens that we do something wrong sometimes, but then we apologize and set it right. Occasionally we give a next wash for free.

15. Do you have any tips and advices about how to start up a business?
Location and demand are essential issues. Moreover, you cannot be afraid of your mistakes and what is also very important - you need to be self-confident and do not give up on your dreams! :)


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